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These Winter Skin Care Tips Will Make Your Body Healthy and Glowing

By November 28, 2018April 3rd, 2020No Comments

winter skin care tips

These Winter Skin Care Tips Will Make Your Body Healthy and Glowing – Winters are here and I know many of you are already sad about it. Winters may be cosy but they are definitely not good for the skin.

The dry scalp, rashes, lost moisture from the body, is the common concerns of people during winters. But, somehow we need to deal with it. We cannot run to another planet when winter is there.

We have to face it somehow. Many times we try a lot to maintain the perfect skin balance during winter and unfortunately we fail. It is not the issue with a single person but all of us are at the same level when it comes to dealing with winters.

Protecting the body is possible but protecting skin from winter is tough.

Considering the harsh winters, I am here with something very interesting and worth reading for you. Here I am with the natural tips that will make your body health and your skin glowing during winters.

I am sure you might have gone several blogs like this, but believe me at the end of this blog you all guys are going to thank me for the information shared. So, let us start the journey with the most important tips.

Utilize D3 for Mood Boosting 

These Natural Tips Will Make Your Body Healthy and Skin glowing in winters

Start by getting a good D3 supplement that you can use for the next six months.

After the fall equinox, we have fewer daylight hours, which can affect our moods.

Many people fall subject to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a seasonal mood disorder.

More common in women, SAD usually starts in the fall as the daylight hours dwindle and continues until late spring when the light cycles begin to change.

Symptoms include depression, fatigue, social withdrawal, craving for carbohydrates, and an overall feeling of malaise. It is believed that lower levels of sunlight decrease the amount of serotonin, which affects mood.

If you have suffered from this in the past fall and winter seasons, it is important to get your D3 levels monitored to keep up the production of melatonin and serotonin, the “feel-good hormones” in your brain.

After a D3 test, you may need a special prescription to get therapeutic levels up. Aside from D3 in supplement form, look for foods enriched with D3 like rice, almond and coconut milk, salmon, and eggs.

Light therapy can also combat SAD. Bright, daily light of full-spectrum bulbs is a powerful treatment for SAD. Patients may need to sit in front of these lights for at least a half-hour a day or more; t

his therapy needs time so I suggest if a patient suffers from SAD they begin now, around the fall equinox. Remember: do not look at the bulbs directly!

Try sitting near light sources like a south-facing window where you will get the brightest sunlight of the day (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere).

Incorporate B Vitamins for Mood and Brain Health

winter skin care tipsVitamin B is another rescue for winter. Many people right now are turning to veganism and vegetarianism.

These people, along with people who have digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease, do not get enough B vitamins or they do not convert them correctly in the stomach.

For these people, I always recommend supplementation. Vegans and vegetarians do not get enough B vitamins from plants and it is imperative that they supplement B vitamins.

B6 helps with brain function, B12 with nerve function and mood, and folate (which is synergistic with B12) helps elevate mood.

You can purchase a good multivitamin with high amounts of Bs or there are countless formulas that you can take at a separate meal.

A multi-B has the full spectrum of B vitamins and the correct (or higher) RDA amounts in them. The only thing you need to watch is the possibility of bright yellow urine.

Not to worry, though, as excess amounts are urinated out. I would personally suggest you go with natural sources of vitamin B.

Employ “Good Fats” for Skin Health

Winter is the time you can friendship with oil and fats. But, be sure you are taking the “Good Fats”.

Omega-3 fatty acids have an incredible amount of data showing improvement with depression, lowering inflammation, boosting concentration and focus, increasing cognitive function, mood, skin health, brain health, and more.

winter skin care tipsIf eating fish isn’t your thing, I suggest supplementing. I like to see at least 2000 total mg of omega-3’s of both DHA and EPA.

Make sure to read labels carefully, as you can have high amounts of omega 3’s but not EPA and DHA.

I like to see at least 650 mg of DHA and 1200 mg of EPA in an omega supplement.

Also, it takes about three weeks to get a blood therapeutic level on omega-3 fatty acids, so keep that in mind if you begin to supplement. Omegas need to be taken with a meal with fat.

Omega-3 fatty acids also keep skin health at its best. While indoor heat can make skin dry, fatty acids in fish and nuts keep skin health and reduce inflammatory skin issues like psoriasis.

Add Green Veggies to Improve Winter Wellness

Greens are loaded with fibre, vitamins A, C, E, and K, folate, and lutein, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, manganese, and potassium. Leafy, green vegetables like kale, spinach, collards and chard are known to boost energy.

These foods are also known as blood tonics in Chinese medicine, which help boost the overall health of the body.

They are loaded with antioxidants which help the body recover from oxidative stress, boost skin health, and utilize energy to burn that weight that we tend to gain from fall to spring.

Cooking greens like chard, collards, kale, and broccoli rabe help make phytochemicals more available and easier to break down.

The fibre in green vegetables helps keep inflammation down and move the body’s energy, which can become cold and stagnant during fall and winter months.

Greens are alkaline, which helps keep the body in a state of balance, especially with all the carbohydrates we consume during the fall and winter that tend to make our bodies more acidic.

Try adding greens to soup or stews, along with root vegetables. Cooked foods are what the body needs to maintain moisture and boost the digestive energy and adrenals in the body.

Eat Orange and Yellow Veggies to Build Digestive Energy

EAT ORANGE AND YELLOW VEGGIESOranges can be your best friends if you are eating them right during the winter season.

According to Chinese dietary therapy, yellow and orange vegetables build digestion.

They are high in fibre which helps balance blood sugar and act as an excellent periodic.

Eating these as a snack first instead of binging on sugar will help build digestive energy as veggies are naturally sweet.
Pumpkin is high in beta carotene which also helps eye health, brain and cognitive health, and lung health.

Root vegetables are easier to digest than grains and the colours are excellent for overall health and wellness now and throughout the entire year. I also like celery root soup which, the recipe listed below, as a prebiotic as well.

The Bottom Line

Of course, the regular salon sitting can give you outer glow, but if you want a natural radiance at your skin and want to remain healthy during winter then you have to switch to these things.

They give a good result that lasts for long. I am sure you have enjoyed my blog. Do write to me with your suggestions and queries for the same.

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